Jun 30, 2017
Jun 19, 2017
A special segment of Nintendo Voice Chat was recorded at E3 2017! Nintendo's Bill Trinen joins the show to talk a little more about Super Mario Odyssey, and the plumbers return to a sandbox-style platforming game.
Jun 8, 2017
On this very special episode of Nintendo Voice Chat, IGN's Nintendo-focused talk show and podcast, Peer, Brian, Miranda, and Sam (filling in for Jose) discuss what we expect to see from Nintendo at E3 2017. We've devised a game -- a game you can play along with! Go here for more...
Jun 3, 2017
Hori's new chat headset was a painful reminder that chatting on Switch will be complicated. This week, join host Jose Otero, Peer Schneider, Alanah Pearce, and Jonathon Dornbush as they discuss it. We also give our preview impressions of Arms + the Global Testpunch, The Secret of Mana Collection, and some...