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Nintendo Voice Chat

Join Seth, Kat, Peer and the rest of our Nin-friendos as we talk everything Nintendo. New episodes drop every Thursday at 3pm!

Dec 17, 2016

Welcome to the last Nintendo Voice Chat episode of 2016! Join host Jose Otero and Peer Schneider as they discuss IGN's Super Mario Run review, the announcement of Super Nintendo World, and how the Nintendo's Switch patents shed a little more light on the device.

Dec 9, 2016

Nintendo gave the first public demo of the Switch on The Tonight Show!?! This week the crew of NVC have a lot to talk about. Host Jose Otero, Peer Schneider, and Jonathon Dornbush gather to share their thoughts on the device. We also talk about Zelda: Breath of the Wild at the Game Awards, Pokemon Go's update, and...

Dec 3, 2016

IGN's Nintendo show leads off with a pair of reviews for Pokemon Sun/Moon and Super Mario Maker 3DS. After the break, we dive into a mega-sized Question Block with queries from our community.