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Nintendo Voice Chat

Join Seth, Kat, Peer and the rest of our Nin-friendos as we talk everything Nintendo. New episodes drop every Thursday at 3pm!

Dec 8, 2012

Metroid Prime turned ten on November 18, 2012. IGN's original reviewer and old-school Nintendo crew celebrate Retro Studios' masterpiece with a trip back to Talon IV.

Nov 30, 2012

With two weeks of Wii U and sooooo much Pilgrim food under our belts, the Nintendo Video Chat Team is back to discuss our favorite new Nintendo console, the Wii U. (Sorry, Wii Mini!).

This week IGN's Nintendo-leaning professionals, Samuel Claiborn, Richard George, Brian Altano and Audrey Drake discuss New Super Mario...

Nov 30, 2012

IGN discusses the Wii U hardware and reviews for Ninja Gaiden, New Super Mario Bros. U and Nintendo Land.

Oct 5, 2012

We play the Wii U launch game and discuss Zelda, Mario and Metroid minigames.

Oct 4, 2012

The NVC crew plays Super Mario Kart for its 20th anniversary.