Feb 22, 2019
This week on IGN's Nintendo Show, we discuss the many art styles of Zelda and what that can mean for the Link's Awakening remake, the possibility of Scalebound coming to Switch, and a very special game that Tom is EXCITED ABOUT!
Feb 22, 2019
This week on IGN's Nintendo Show, we discuss the many art styles of Zelda and what that can mean for the Link's Awakening remake, the possibility of Scalebound coming to Switch, and a very special game that Tom is EXCITED ABOUT!
Feb 15, 2019
On this week's episode, we break down every single detail revealed in the Direct, from the new first party games unveiled (Mario Maker 2! Link's Awakening remake!)
Feb 8, 2019
This week on the show, we talk about Nintendo's mystery game, when Nintendo will finally count to 9, and the latest breaking news. Apology: for all the stories that broke while we're in here.
Feb 1, 2019
We mourn about the death of the Wii Shop Channel, finally get to chat about the big Metroid Prime 4 news, discuss Wargroove with its reviewer, and of course, take a deep dive into the Smash 2.0 update now that Piranha Plant has joined the battle... and taken a bite out of players' save files.