Sep 27, 2014
Brian Altano re-joins the cast of NVC this week to talk about his adventures in Japan. But that's not all, listen in as he tells host Jose Otero and Peer Schneider all about his hands-on time with New Nintendo 3DS at Tokyo Game Show. There might be a story about an earthqauke too! Then, after the break, listen to...
Sep 19, 2014
Host Jose Otero is joined by Peer Schneider and Marty Sliva this week! The crew drops some impressions on Hyrule Warriors and Smash 3DS before they share some theories for the upcoming Wii U version. Later in the show, they tackle the news and some great listener queries on The Question...
Sep 13, 2014
Respected commentator and contributor Kris "Toph" Aldenderfer joins the cast of Nintendo Voice Chat this week! He joins host Jose Otero, Peer Schneider, and Brian Altano, as they trade impressions and opinions of the new Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. The crew takes a deep dive into the roster,...
Sep 5, 2014
Host Jose Otero, Peer Schneider, and Marty Sliva are reunited in the podcast studio this week. While Brian Altano is away, the crew gathers to discuss Mighty No. 9, PAX Prime 2014, Bayonetta 2, and community queries on The Question Block.