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Nintendo Voice Chat

Join Seth, Kat, Peer and the rest of our Nin-friendos as we talk everything Nintendo. New episodes drop every Thursday at 3pm!

Mar 28, 2019

Yes, there's another rumor about new Nintendo Switch models, and we get a little creative with our wish-lists. Expect at least three minutes of us repeating "Donkey Bongos." On this episode of NVC, we also discuss IGN's Yoshi's Crafted World review, the Labo VR trailer, if Final Fantasy VII is worth playing after all of...

Mar 21, 2019

On this week's NVC, Brjann Sigurgeirsson of Image & Form, developer of the SteamWorld series, joins us to discuss the upcoming SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech for the Nintendo Switch. Of course, we also spend an ample amount of time weighing in on all the games announced during this week's Nintendo Direct Nindies...

Mar 14, 2019

Catch up on everything Nintendo! Peer Schneider and Brian Altano were out, so IGN's Casey DeFreitas, Zach Ryan, Tom Marks, and Samuel Claiborn reminisce for Mario Day, give early Yoshi's Crafted World impressions, and more. 

Mar 9, 2019

It's the Switch's 2nd birthday and SO much is on it, but does that signal the death of 3DS? Plus, Nintendo wants people to spend less on their mobile games.

Mar 1, 2019

We talk Pokémon day, Reggie, Resident Evil on Switch and much, much more!